Thursday, April 23, 2009

Star plot

A star plot is is a graphical method of displaying multivariate data. Each star represents a single observation. Typically, star plots are generated in a multi-plot format with many stars on each page and each star representing one observation

Box plot

This is a Box plot. A box plot is a convenient way of graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their five number summaries. they are great for showing variable sets of data.


A histogram is a way to display data as a bar graph. these are commonly used by organizations to show related data.

Parallel coordinate graph

This is an example of a parallel coordinate graph. For large data sets, the appearance of such a plot appears confusing, but can be used to highlight outliers.

Triangular plot

This is a triangular plot. A triangular plot is a ploton three variables which sum to a constant. It graphically depicts the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle. It is used in petrology, mineralogy, metallurgy, and other physical sciences to show the compositions of systems composed of three species. in this case it shows


This is a Windrose. A wind rose is a graphic tool used by meteorologists to give a succinct view of how wind speed and direction are typically distributed at a particular location, in this case Seattle.


this is a simple sample Climograph. AClimograph gives the average temperature fora particular location shown by the bar graph at the bottom the shows a curve over the top of another value, like historical high temp.

Population profile

This is a Population Profile it gives the reader a idea of population growth or decline in a particular are broken down by sex.


This is a Scatter plot. it is a simple way to graph data along an X and Y axis. in this case Wife's age on the Y and Husbands on the X. they are great graphs for quick and dirty data.

Index value plot

This is a Indexed Value plot chart. each plot point is color codded to a country and represents an indexed value such as market risk factor.

Lorenz curve

this is a Lorenz curve. the lines represent the bottom % of households. these graphs are useful economic tools.

Bilateral graph

this graph shows the monetary weights by country. this is helpful for comparing the strength of one countries currency to another.

Nominal area choropleth map

this map is designed to point out the area of affluent African Americans in the state of California.notice the difference between northern and southern parts of the state.

Unstandardized choropleth map

This is an example of a unstandardized choropleth map. it shows different ranges of data on the same map. it is not standardized.

Standardized choropleth map

This choropleth map shows standard data across the board. This particular map shows the age of Canadians under the age of 14.

Unvariate choropleth map

This map presents data that is color coded and broken down by county.

Bivariate choropleth map

This is a Land Use, Life Expectancy, and GNP Per Capita in Africa 1989Bivariate chloropleth map. it breaks down land use by GNP. this shows informative correlations.

Unclassed choropleth map
This map is completely random with no classes defined. it shows the population of France.

Classed choropleth map

This classed choropleth map classes the ratio of males to females by states. take a look at Nevada.

Range graded proportional circle map

This range graded proportional circle map shows population centers in the upper Midwest notice that the Chicago and Detroit circles cover other towns.

Continuously variable proportional circle map

These maps show continuously variable data that is illustrating centers of the Hispanic population.


This is a DOQQ image of a bay with a bridge crossing it. A DOQQ is a computer generated image of an aerial photograph in which the image displacement caused by terrain relief and camera tilt has been removed. The DOQQ combines the image characteristics of the original photograph with the georeferenced qualities of a map.


This is a digital map of lake Tahoe. it shows water bodies and vegetation.


A digital elevation model is a digital representation of ground surface topography or terrain. Green is lower elevation and the yellows and then brown shades indicate higher elevations. This mapping is very helpful for illustrating ground features. This is similar to LIDAR and DRG.


A DRG map is essentially a digital image from a topographic map. this shows part of Lake Tahoe and depicts topographic relief.


This is a Isopleth distribution map. this shows the the deposition of wet chloride ion.


This map shows the different densities of the terrain. these maps are very helpful in oil ans gas exploration.


This is a Isohyet map, an isohyet is a line drawn through geographical points recording equal amounts of precipitation during a specific period. this map shoes precipitation in Hong Kong.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


This is a Isotach map, this shows the different wind speeds. the closer the lines are together the greater the wind speed. this indicates the jet stream.


This is a Isobar map of Australia. the distance between the lines indicates the pressure gradient of the area.


LIDAR allows users to create digital maps of any terrain and is great for conservationists and urban planners. LIDAR, or light detection and ranging, provides much more detailed information about the particular landscape and cityscape than an aerial photograph.

doppler radar map

This is a Doppler radar map, these came into use in the 1990s, unlike most of my classmates i remember the old sweeping radar map. Doppler weather maps are a huge improvement and much more accurate. this map overlays weather and a area map.

Black and white aerial photo

This is a great aerial of Wrigley Field. aerial photos are great maps they not only show streets but they show land marks and give you a snap shot of history. there is much more information here than a street map!

Infrared aerial photo

This is a infrared aerial photo of the LBJ ranch. the title is pretty self explanatory the helpful thing about these photos is that the different species of trees show up in different colors, which is very helpful for scientists.

Cartographic animations

This is an animated map of cancer deaths by Nebraska county. when you move your mouse over different parts of these maps you get more detailed information. these maps are great for conveying allot of statistics.

Statistical Map

Statistical maps show some particular statistic broken out by region, in this case it is distribution of National places listed on the Register of the National Estate in Australia.

Friday, April 17, 2009


This is a cartogram, each country size is morphed to the amount of amphibians by country.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Flow Map

This is a inland trucking flow map of freight leaving the State of Texas. look at the amount that stays in Texas. most of the freight gos to a few states.

Isoline map

This is a Isoline map that shows the temperatures of the states notice that temperature is vastly different for some area of the same latitude.

Proportional circle maps

This map shows the number of Internet users per European country. the size or population of the country do not necessarily mean the most Internet users. compare the UK with Iceland.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Choropleth maps

This is a choropleth map the shows the same statistics at different periods of time. in this case it is the change in divorce rates during the 1980s.

Dot distribution map

This is a dot distribution map that shows the population distribution in the United States. you can just glance at this map and pick out 4 or 5 major cities.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Propaganda Map

this map is pure propaganda!! notice the Russian Empire steam rolling toward the Fatherland. and the size of the British Ilse compared to continental Europe.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hypsometric Map

This is a type of topo map called a hypsometric map. this type of map uses different colors to illustrate elevation change.

Cadastral Map

This is a cadastral map that shows the metes and bounds of a area. this map also shows roads and property lines.


This is a nice PLSS map that shows the different survey areas of Alaska. look at the north slope!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Thematic Map

This is a great map that shows the soil moisture content in the US. notice the "bread basket" has a lot more dry soil than the coastal plain.

Topographic Map

This Topographic map shows the intricate details of the elevation changes as well as the rivers and natural features.

Planimetric Map

This is a great Planimetric map, it combined the vertical topo features and the horizontal boundaries of a typical road map. it also shows bodies of water and city boundaries.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Mental Map

This map repersents a childs mental map of the world, this child is from Southeast Asia notice the size of the Soviet Union!